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How to become a Commercial Pilot in the UK & Europe: 9 key steps to take before you start
If you're considering a career as a commercial pilot, there are several key steps you should take before you start. Research the job and requirements, get a trial lesson, assess your aptitude and competencies, obtain a medical certificate, decide on your license (CPL or ATPL), and choose between integrated and modular training routes. Read on to learn more about how to prepare for the lifestyle and commitment required to fund your pilot study and become a successful commercial pilot.
28 MarWhich Licence, EASA or UK CAA?
Life used to be truly simple when the UK was part of the EASA. However, in the wake of Brexit, the UK left EASA and now student pilots must choose whether to train for an EASA pilot licence, a UK CAA licence, or both. This guide will help you decide which option suits you best
20 Feb
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